First, SingCellaR will be loaded into R, and the ‘SingCellaR’ object is created. The example below shows how to add files from gene expression and cell information into the object.
load_gene_expression_from_a_file(MPN,isTargetSeq = T,sep="\t")
## [1] "The sparse matrix is created."
## An object of class SingCellaR with a matrix of : 33514 genes across 3593 samples.
Next, cell information will be processed. The percentage of mitochondrial per cell will be calculated. For human, mitochondrial gene names start with “MT-”.
The ERCC genes must be specify with the parameter ‘ERCC_genes_start_with’, if ERCC spike-in is incorporated.
TargetSeq_process_cells_annotation(MPN,mito_genes_start_with = "MT-",
ERCC_genes_start_with = "ERCC-")
## [1] "List of mitochondrial genes:"
## [1] "MT-ND1" "MT-ND2" "MT-CO1" "MT-CO2" "MT-ATP8" "MT-ATP6" "MT-CO3"
## [8] "MT-ND3" "MT-ND4L" "MT-ND4" "MT-ND5" "MT-ND6" "MT-CYB"
## [1] "List of ERCC:"
## character(0)
## [1] "The meta data is processed."
TargetSeq_plot_cells_annotation(MPN,type = "boxplot")
TargetSeq_filter_cells_and_genes(MPN,min_Reads = 2000,
max_percent_mito = 10,
genes_with_expressing_cells = 10,max_percent_ERCC = 50)
## [1] "The cells and genes metadata are updated by adding the filtering status."
## [1] "835/3593 cells will be filtered out from the downstream analyses!."
To load the cell metadata information from TARGET-Seq cell information, the following function will be performed.
TargetSeq_load_cell_metadata(MPN,sep = "\t",a_column_of_the_cell_names = 1)
## [1] "The cell metadata is updated!"
Checking the updated metadata.
## Cell sampleID UMI_count detectedGenesPerCell percent_mito percent_ERCC
## 1 TR4PL21_11B 2595 834 2.466281 0
## 2 TR4PL21_11C 4859 632 5.412636 0
## 3 TR4PL21_11D 5300 670 2.264151 0
## 4 TR4PL21_11E 5251 1271 3.599314 0
## 5 TR4PL21_11F 2282 798 3.637160 0
## 6 TR4PL21_11L 20403 1801 4.170955 0
## IsPassed cell.type donor timepoint donor.type primer.mix batch plate
## 1 TRUE cd34+ IF0137 baseline patient IF0137_mix batch_1 TR4PL21
## 2 TRUE cd34+ IF0137 baseline patient IF0137_mix batch_1 TR4PL21
## 3 TRUE cd34+ IF0137 baseline patient IF0137_mix batch_1 TR4PL21
## 4 TRUE cd34+ IF0137 baseline patient IF0137_mix batch_1 TR4PL21
## 5 TRUE cd34+ IF0137 baseline patient IF0137_mix batch_1 TR4PL21
## 6 TRUE cd34+ IF0137 baseline patient IF0137_mix batch_1 TR4PL21
## pool CD45RA CD90 CD38 lineage.viability CD34 CD123
## 1 TR4PL21_Q2 1502.17 2621.87 5156.63 12043.33 29906.12 3428.90
## 2 TR4PL21_Q1 1782.70 1887.77 14743.83 16879.47 21457.04 1700.39
## 3 TR4PL21_Q2 995.36 1545.84 7552.66 4882.79 17353.63 1342.27
## 4 TR4PL21_Q1 748.31 16677.71 11011.12 14496.51 29338.79 3951.90
## 5 TR4PL21_Q2 1348.57 2874.07 19794.60 12866.39 18098.87 2719.89
## 6 TR4PL21_Q2 2213.63 2963.91 37265.15 18894.65 10691.38 649.52
## genotypesall qcgenotype genes.detected
## 1 JAK2_HET_U2AF1_HET_TET2_pI1105_HET_ASXL1_p910_HET TRUE 839
## 2 JAK2_HET_U2AF1_HET_ASXL1_p910_HET TRUE 636
## 3 JAK2_HET_U2AF1_HET TRUE 702
## 4 JAK2_HET_U2AF1_HET_ASXL1_p897_HET TRUE 1250
## 5 JAK2_HET_U2AF1_HET_TET2_pI1105_HET_ASXL1_p910_HET TRUE 812
## 6 JAK2_HOM_U2AF1_HET TRUE 1830
## input.reads unique.mapped multimap MReads lib.size unmapped ercc.count
## 1 7566 4235 551 131 2741 2780 134
## 2 17580 10089 1658 445 5561 5833 696
## 3 16977 10024 1497 296 6301 5456 554
## 4 39883 9074 1282 336 5614 29527 354
## 5 30008 4791 658 158 2450 24559 177
## 6 46909 29782 4315 1330 21983 12812 748
## pc.uniquemapped pc.multimap pc.unmapped pc.ingenes pc.ercc
## 1 0.5597409 0.07282580 0.3674333 0.6472255 0.04888727 0.017314301
## 2 0.5738908 0.09431172 0.3317975 0.5511944 0.12515735 0.025312856
## 3 0.5904459 0.08817812 0.3213760 0.6285914 0.08792255 0.017435354
## 4 0.2275155 0.03214402 0.7403405 0.6186908 0.06305664 0.008424642
## 5 0.1596574 0.02192749 0.8184151 0.5113755 0.07224490 0.005265263
## 6 0.6348888 0.09198661 0.2731246 0.7381304 0.03402629 0.028352768
## genotype.class rnaseq.qc qc.all
## 1 realclone TRUE TRUE
## 2 realclone TRUE TRUE
## 3 realclone TRUE TRUE
## 4 realclone TRUE TRUE
## 5 realclone TRUE TRUE
## 6 realclone TRUE TRUE
The TARGET-Seq analysis (developed by Rodriguez-Meira et al., Mol. Cell, 2019) provides QC information of cells. Therefore, those cells information will be included for further filtering.
my.cell_filtered<-subset(my.cell_info, UMI_count > 2000 & percent_mito < 10 & detectedGenesPerCell > 500 & pc.ercc < 50)
## [1] 2679
It is critical to add “IsPassed==TRUE” to the cells that pass QC.
my.cell_info$IsPassed[my.cell_info$Cell %in% my.cell_filtered$Cell]<-TRUE
## 119 2679
Finally, the slot ‘’ in the MPN object will be updated.<-my.cell_info
Next, to reproduce Figure 5a found in Rodriguez-Meira et al., Mol. Cell, 2019, the mutation information is separated into distinct genotyping categories as shown below.
cell_metadata_for_analysis<-subset(cell_metadata,genotype_class1!="NA") #2742 cells considered for this analysis
## [1] 2742<-cell_metadata_for_analysis
To normalize TARGET-Seq data, the parameter ‘use.scaled.factor’ has to be set up as ‘FALSE’. This is to normalize by the average of library sizes.
normalize_UMIs(MPN,use.scaled.factor = F)
## [1] "Normalization is completed!."
get_variable_genes_by_fitting_GLM_model(MPN,mean_expr_cutoff = 1,disp_zscore_cutoff = 0.05,
quantile_genes_expr_for_fitting = 0.5,
quantile_genes_cv2_for_fitting =0.3)
## [1] "Calculate row variance.."
| | 0%
|========= | 12%
|================== | 25%
|========================== | 38%
|=================================== | 50%
|============================================ | 62%
|==================================================== | 75%
|============================================================= | 88%
|======================================================================| 100%[1] "Using :4696 genes for fitting the GLM model!"
## [1] "Identified :3639 variable genes"
remove_unwanted_genes_from_variable_gene_set(MPN,gmt.file = "../SingCellaR_example_datasets/Human_genesets/human.ribosomal-mitocondrial.genes.gmt",
## [1] "6 genes are removed from the variable gene set."
Here, the plot shows highly variable genes (cyan) in the fitted GLM model.
plot_variable_genes(MPN,quantile_genes_expr_for_fitting = 0.5,quantile_genes_cv2_for_fitting =0.3)
## [1] "Calculate row variance.."
| | 0%
|========= | 12%
|================== | 25%
|========================== | 38%
|=================================== | 50%
|============================================ | 62%
|==================================================== | 75%
|============================================================= | 88%
|======================================================================| 100%
## PCA anlysis
runPCA(MPN,use.components=30, = F)
## [1] "PCA analysis is done!."
Next, the number of PCs used for downstream analyses will be determined from the scree plot.
runUMAP(MPN,dim_reduction_method = "pca",n.dims.use = 10,n.neighbors = 20,
uwot.metric = "euclidean")
## 17:37:33 UMAP embedding parameters a = 1.121 b = 1.057
## 17:37:33 Read 2626 rows and found 10 numeric columns
## 17:37:33 Using Annoy for neighbor search, n_neighbors = 20
## 17:37:33 Building Annoy index with metric = euclidean, n_trees = 50
## 0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
## [----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|
## **************************************************|
## 17:37:33 Writing NN index file to temp file /var/folders/c6/_w309xr54n7cphf9nw4x_ms40000gn/T//Rtmp0EVVqP/filecde23596aaf1
## 17:37:33 Searching Annoy index using 8 threads, search_k = 2000
## 17:37:34 Annoy recall = 100%
## 17:37:34 Commencing smooth kNN distance calibration using 8 threads with target n_neighbors = 20
## 17:37:35 Initializing from normalized Laplacian + noise (using irlba)
## 17:37:35 Commencing optimization for 500 epochs, with 67982 positive edges
## 17:37:38 Optimization finished
## [1] "UMAP analysis is done!."
plot_umap_label_by_a_feature_of_interest(MPN,feature = "donor",point.size = 1)
plot_umap_label_by_a_feature_of_interest(MPN,feature = "donor.type",point.size = 1)
plot_umap_label_by_a_feature_of_interest(MPN,feature = "batch",point.size = 1)
plot_umap_label_by_a_feature_of_interest(MPN,feature = "genotype_class1",point.size = 1)
UMAP plots show batch and donor effects. Limma will be used to preserve the genotypes of interest and to regress out batch and donor effects.
remove_unwanted_confounders(MPN,residualModelFormulaStr = "~donor+batch",
preserved_feature = "~genotype_class1")
| | 0%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
|==== | 6%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
|======== | 12%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
|============ | 18%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
|================ | 24%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
|===================== | 29%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
|========================= | 35%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
|============================= | 41%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
|================================= | 47%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
|===================================== | 53%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
|========================================= | 59%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
|============================================= | 65%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
|================================================= | 71%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
|====================================================== | 76%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
|========================================================== | 82%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
|============================================================== | 88%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
|================================================================== | 94%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 1514 probe(s)
|======================================================================| 100%
## [1] "Removing unwanted sources of variation is done!"
runPCA(MPN,use.components=30, = T)
## [1] "PCA analysis is done!."
Next, the number of PCs used for downstream analyses will be determined from the scree plot.
runUMAP(MPN,dim_reduction_method = "pca",n.dims.use = 10,n.neighbors = 20,
uwot.metric = "euclidean")
## 17:38:08 UMAP embedding parameters a = 1.121 b = 1.057
## 17:38:08 Read 2626 rows and found 10 numeric columns
## 17:38:08 Using Annoy for neighbor search, n_neighbors = 20
## 17:38:08 Building Annoy index with metric = euclidean, n_trees = 50
## 0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
## [----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|
## **************************************************|
## 17:38:08 Writing NN index file to temp file /var/folders/c6/_w309xr54n7cphf9nw4x_ms40000gn/T//Rtmp0EVVqP/filecde2cfb06bf
## 17:38:08 Searching Annoy index using 8 threads, search_k = 2000
## 17:38:08 Annoy recall = 100%
## 17:38:09 Commencing smooth kNN distance calibration using 8 threads with target n_neighbors = 20
## 17:38:10 Initializing from normalized Laplacian + noise (using irlba)
## 17:38:10 Commencing optimization for 500 epochs, with 70486 positive edges
## 17:38:13 Optimization finished
## [1] "UMAP analysis is done!."
plot_umap_label_by_a_feature_of_interest(MPN,feature = "donor",point.size = 1)
plot_umap_label_by_a_feature_of_interest(MPN,feature = "donor.type",point.size = 1)
plot_umap_label_by_a_feature_of_interest(MPN,feature = "batch",point.size = 1)
plot_umap_label_by_a_feature_of_interest(MPN,feature = "genotype_class1",point.size = 1)
runTSNE(MPN,dim_reduction_method = "pca",n.dims.use = 10)
## [1] "TSNE analysis is done!."
plot_tsne_label_by_a_feature_of_interest(MPN,feature = "genotype_class1",point.size = 1)
runFA2_ForceDirectedGraph(MPN,dim_reduction_method = "pca",n.dims.use = 10)
## [1] "Building Annoy index with metric = euclidean , n_trees = 50"
## 0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
## [----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|
## **************************************************|
## [1] "Searching Annoy index, search_k = 500"
## 0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
## [----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|
## **************************************************|
## [1] "Processing fa2.."
## [1] "Force directed graph analysis is done!."
plot_forceDirectedGraph_label_by_a_feature_of_interest(MPN,feature = "genotype_class1",
background.color = "black",vertex.size = 1)
Below is an example of how to perform differential gene expression analysis between ‘WT_normal’ and ‘WT_patient’.
First, cell names per each group will be extracted from the cell metadata.
Second, differential gene expression analysis will be performed.
DE.genes<-identifyDifferentialGenes(objectA = MPN, objectB = MPN, cellsA = WT_normal.cell_ids, cellsB = WT_patient.cell_ids)
## [1] "Processing Fisher's exact test!"
## [1] "Processing Wilcoxon Rank-sum test!"
## [1] "Combining p-values using the fisher's method!"
## Gene ExpA ExpB FoldChange log2FC ExpFreqA
## GIMAP7 GIMAP7 38.6958440 0.5000682 77.38113053 6.273910 339
## AC123912.4 AC123912.4 0.3018886 4.8313286 0.06248562 -4.000332 39
## DYNLL1 DYNLL1 35.6631112 5.1568363 6.91569576 2.789874 430
## CNOT1 CNOT1 1.5126984 4.3828158 0.34514304 -1.534734 122
## ELMSAN1 ELMSAN1 8.3102311 66.4716260 0.12501922 -2.999778 228
## BTG3 BTG3 1.6659861 17.8049370 0.09356877 -3.417829 67
## ExpFreqB TotalA TotalB ExpFractionA ExpFractionB fishers.pval
## GIMAP7 8 678 388 0.50000000 0.02061856 1.805764e-72
## AC123912.4 165 678 388 0.05752212 0.42525773 4.721279e-48
## DYNLL1 72 678 388 0.63421829 0.18556701 1.479443e-47
## CNOT1 223 678 388 0.17994100 0.57474227 1.669020e-39
## ELMSAN1 276 678 388 0.33628319 0.71134021 1.174696e-32
## BTG3 158 678 388 0.09882006 0.40721649 1.614010e-31
## wilcoxon.pval combined.pval adjusted.pval
## GIMAP7 1.510069e-56 8.036717e-126 7.321449e-123
## AC123912.4 3.775491e-50 3.988782e-95 1.816890e-92
## DYNLL1 3.099438e-49 1.011206e-93 3.070695e-91
## CNOT1 2.950290e-38 8.701114e-75 1.981679e-72
## ELMSAN1 1.841131e-38 3.490915e-68 6.360447e-66
## BTG3 3.340895e-35 8.157683e-64 1.238608e-61
sig.genes<-subset(DE.genes,adjusted.pval < 0.05 & (ExpFractionA > 0.25 | ExpFractionB > 0.25) & abs(log2FC) > 2)
sig.genes<-sig.genes[order(abs(sig.genes$log2FC),decreasing = T),]
## Gene ExpA ExpB FoldChange log2FC ExpFreqA
## GIMAP7 GIMAP7 38.6958440 0.5000682 77.38113053 6.273910 339
## CRIP2 CRIP2 31.1294075 1.7242098 18.05430325 4.174271 223
## AC123912.4 AC123912.4 0.3018886 4.8313286 0.06248562 -4.000332 39
## BTG3 BTG3 1.6659861 17.8049370 0.09356877 -3.417829 67
## SKIL SKIL 0.7104263 7.0709176 0.10047159 -3.315140 40
## SLF2 SLF2 10.8691048 1.2081164 8.99673633 3.169402 219
## PIM1 PIM1 7.5085602 0.9114636 8.23791578 3.042279 237
## ELMSAN1 ELMSAN1 8.3102311 66.4716260 0.12501922 -2.999778 228
## EGR1 EGR1 1.3225500 9.8840059 0.13380708 -2.901774 84
## MGAT4A MGAT4A 2.3922515 17.2830979 0.13841566 -2.852921 66
## MXD1 MXD1 1.1978888 8.6463778 0.13854227 -2.851602 56
## PCIF1 PCIF1 2.3637255 16.3510228 0.14456133 -2.790246 138
## DYNLL1 DYNLL1 35.6631112 5.1568363 6.91569576 2.789874 430
## S100A11 S100A11 3.9074935 0.5964116 6.55167268 2.711863 209
## HMGA2 HMGA2 2.7493416 17.9785942 0.15292306 -2.709122 95
## ID2 ID2 6.4516358 41.4028446 0.15582591 -2.681993 159
## RALA RALA 14.8178047 2.4676061 6.00493123 2.586148 262
## DDIT3 DDIT3 3.1722772 18.9953501 0.16700283 -2.582056 100
## SBDS SBDS 3.3994358 17.6993364 0.19206572 -2.380328 137
## UCP2 UCP2 45.5663838 8.8673749 5.13865538 2.361391 454
## IRF1 IRF1 4.5471141 22.9399835 0.19821784 -2.334841 221
## UNK UNK 3.0216109 15.0597733 0.20064120 -2.317310 72
## BZW1 BZW1 1.6276372 7.7135384 0.21101045 -2.244614 151
## AC243960.1 AC243960.1 10.2966047 2.1899288 4.70179892 2.233213 215
## RIPK2 RIPK2 2.7190740 12.4159585 0.21899832 -2.191008 116
## MTRNR2L1 MTRNR2L1 0.7515776 3.4255535 0.21940325 -2.188343 234
## TSPAN2 TSPAN2 9.0709179 2.0270495 4.47493646 2.161867 233
## S100A10 S100A10 32.1952894 7.5423327 4.26861166 2.093767 289
## EIF1B EIF1B 8.0837818 34.1970180 0.23638850 -2.080768 183
## LMNA LMNA 16.3573412 3.8988413 4.19543653 2.068821 266
## KLF10 KLF10 2.6063906 10.7717852 0.24196459 -2.047132 105
## ATP2C1 ATP2C1 4.2478195 17.3833964 0.24436074 -2.032916 175
## CCDC59 CCDC59 2.5513051 10.4129832 0.24501193 -2.029076 93
## PBXIP1 PBXIP1 17.3560146 4.2832509 4.05206585 2.018658 351
## ExpFreqB TotalA TotalB ExpFractionA ExpFractionB fishers.pval
## GIMAP7 8 678 388 0.50000000 0.02061856 1.805764e-72
## CRIP2 23 678 388 0.32890855 0.05927835 3.139866e-27
## AC123912.4 165 678 388 0.05752212 0.42525773 4.721279e-48
## BTG3 158 678 388 0.09882006 0.40721649 1.614010e-31
## SKIL 127 678 388 0.05899705 0.32731959 6.545259e-30
## SLF2 30 678 388 0.32300885 0.07731959 3.767417e-22
## PIM1 34 678 388 0.34955752 0.08762887 2.870212e-23
## ELMSAN1 276 678 388 0.33628319 0.71134021 1.174696e-32
## EGR1 127 678 388 0.12389381 0.32731959 5.568782e-15
## MGAT4A 125 678 388 0.09734513 0.32216495 2.923309e-19
## MXD1 122 678 388 0.08259587 0.31443299 1.244670e-21
## PCIF1 177 678 388 0.20353982 0.45618557 1.240317e-17
## DYNLL1 72 678 388 0.63421829 0.18556701 1.479443e-47
## S100A11 23 678 388 0.30825959 0.05927835 3.116649e-24
## HMGA2 140 678 388 0.14011799 0.36082474 2.421682e-16
## ID2 171 678 388 0.23451327 0.44072165 4.325101e-12
## RALA 62 678 388 0.38643068 0.15979381 1.759234e-15
## DDIT3 163 678 388 0.14749263 0.42010309 2.140909e-22
## SBDS 187 678 388 0.20206490 0.48195876 4.834626e-21
## UCP2 138 678 388 0.66961652 0.35567010 3.939581e-23
## IRF1 233 678 388 0.32595870 0.60051546 3.511538e-18
## UNK 126 678 388 0.10619469 0.32474227 5.753405e-18
## BZW1 189 678 388 0.22271386 0.48711340 1.654957e-18
## AC243960.1 66 678 388 0.31710914 0.17010309 1.151412e-07
## RIPK2 149 678 388 0.17109145 0.38402062 2.917204e-14
## MTRNR2L1 207 678 388 0.34513274 0.53350515 2.438283e-09
## TSPAN2 40 678 388 0.34365782 0.10309278 1.452434e-19
## S100A10 76 678 388 0.42625369 0.19587629 7.608299e-15
## EIF1B 200 678 388 0.26991150 0.51546392 1.749259e-15
## LMNA 73 678 388 0.39233038 0.18814433 2.255714e-12
## KLF10 164 678 388 0.15486726 0.42268041 2.209727e-21
## ATP2C1 179 678 388 0.25811209 0.46134021 2.629996e-11
## CCDC59 126 678 388 0.13716814 0.32474227 1.129987e-12
## PBXIP1 76 678 388 0.51769912 0.19587629 6.114736e-26
## wilcoxon.pval combined.pval adjusted.pval
## GIMAP7 1.510069e-56 8.036717e-126 7.321449e-123
## CRIP2 9.283912e-25 3.421129e-49 2.833317e-47
## AC123912.4 3.775491e-50 3.988782e-95 1.816890e-92
## BTG3 3.340895e-35 8.157683e-64 1.238608e-61
## SKIL 2.805745e-31 2.544328e-58 2.897353e-56
## SLF2 7.582102e-21 2.761058e-40 1.006130e-38
## PIM1 1.837369e-22 5.429403e-43 2.909521e-41
## ELMSAN1 1.841131e-38 3.490915e-68 6.360447e-66
## EGR1 1.013400e-16 3.987043e-29 5.765391e-28
## MGAT4A 2.334114e-21 6.221726e-38 1.889331e-36
## MXD1 2.935026e-23 3.690333e-42 1.528133e-40
## PCIF1 4.966710e-23 5.623444e-38 1.766537e-36
## DYNLL1 3.099438e-49 1.011206e-93 3.070695e-91
## S100A11 2.028899e-21 6.498655e-43 3.289042e-41
## HMGA2 8.642661e-19 1.644019e-32 3.120212e-31
## ID2 2.110502e-15 5.564368e-25 6.336424e-24
## RALA 1.833425e-17 2.371062e-30 3.927342e-29
## DDIT3 8.864047e-27 2.104248e-46 1.369265e-44
## SBDS 8.047391e-25 4.017359e-43 2.287384e-41
## UCP2 2.252274e-32 1.113201e-52 1.126807e-50
## IRF1 6.425663e-27 2.290242e-42 9.935286e-41
## UNK 6.403847e-20 3.127738e-35 7.123423e-34
## BZW1 7.706980e-20 1.096298e-35 2.628229e-34
## AC243960.1 7.863419e-09 3.226690e-14 1.406466e-13
## RIPK2 2.732296e-16 5.420194e-28 7.596610e-27
## MTRNR2L1 5.223100e-16 7.134398e-23 6.430004e-22
## TSPAN2 3.335228e-19 4.210598e-36 1.036717e-34
## S100A10 5.098920e-17 2.755330e-29 4.183510e-28
## EIF1B 4.226978e-20 5.884931e-33 1.140675e-31
## LMNA 1.213598e-13 1.575656e-23 1.577387e-22
## KLF10 1.771890e-23 3.952545e-42 1.565551e-40
## ATP2C1 4.115754e-15 6.330702e-24 6.502770e-23
## CCDC59 2.022849e-14 1.372401e-24 1.488402e-23
## PBXIP1 1.913436e-27 1.410774e-50 1.285215e-48
plot_violin_for_differential_genes(objectA = MPN, objectB = MPN, cellsA = WT_normal.cell_ids, cellsB = WT_patient.cell_ids,
gene_list = rownames(sig.genes)[1:5],take_log2 = T,point.size = 1,point.alpha = 0.5)
plot_heatmap_for_differential_genes(objectA = MPN, objectB = MPN, cellsA = WT_normal.cell_ids, cellsB = WT_patient.cell_ids,
gene_list = rownames(sig.genes))
First, genes will be pre-ranked.
preranked.genes<-identifyGSEAPrerankedGenes(objectA = MPN, objectB = MPN,
cellsA = WT_normal.cell_ids, cellsB = WT_patient.cell_ids)
## [1] "Processing Fisher's exact test!"
## [1] "Processing Wilcoxon Rank-sum test!"
## [1] "Combining p-values using the fisher's method!"
Second, fGSEA will be performed with the HALLMARK gene sets.
GSEA.results<-Run_fGSEA_analysis(objectA = MPN, objectB = MPN, eps = 0,
cellsA = WT_normal.cell_ids, cellsB = WT_patient.cell_ids,
GSEAPrerankedGenes_info = preranked.genes,
gmt.file = "../SingCellaR_example_datasets/Human_genesets/h.all.v7.1.symbols.gmt",
plotGSEA = T)
## [1] "Processing GSEA!"