Loading gene expression table and cell information to SingCellaR object.

First, SingCellaR will be loaded into R, and the ‘SingCellaR’ object is created. The example below shows how to add files from gene expression and cell information into the object.


load_gene_expression_from_a_file(MPN,isTargetSeq = T,sep="\t")
## [1] "The sparse matrix is created."
## An object of class SingCellaR with a matrix of : 33514 genes across 3593 samples.

Next, cell information will be processed. The percentage of mitochondrial per cell will be calculated. For human, mitochondrial gene names start with “MT-”.

The ERCC genes must be specify with the parameter ‘ERCC_genes_start_with’, if ERCC spike-in is incorporated.

TargetSeq_process_cells_annotation(MPN,mito_genes_start_with  = "MT-",
                                   ERCC_genes_start_with = "ERCC-")
## [1] "List of mitochondrial genes:"
##  [1] "MT-ND1"  "MT-ND2"  "MT-CO1"  "MT-CO2"  "MT-ATP8" "MT-ATP6" "MT-CO3" 
##  [8] "MT-ND3"  "MT-ND4L" "MT-ND4"  "MT-ND5"  "MT-ND6"  "MT-CYB" 
## [1] "List of ERCC:"
## character(0)
## [1] "The meta data is processed."

QC plots for TARGET-Seq data

TargetSeq_plot_cells_annotation(MPN,type = "boxplot")


TargetSeq_filter_cells_and_genes(MPN,min_Reads = 2000,
                                 max_percent_mito = 10,
                                 genes_with_expressing_cells = 10,max_percent_ERCC = 50)
## [1] "The cells and genes metadata are updated by adding the filtering status."
## [1] "835/3593 cells will be filtered out from the downstream analyses!."

Loading external cell metadata (e.g., genotyping data)

To load the cell metadata information from TARGET-Seq cell information, the following function will be performed.

TargetSeq_load_cell_metadata(MPN,sep = "\t",a_column_of_the_cell_names = 1)
## [1] "The cell metadata is updated!"

Checking the updated metadata.

##          Cell sampleID UMI_count detectedGenesPerCell percent_mito percent_ERCC
## 1 TR4PL21_11B               2595                  834     2.466281            0
## 2 TR4PL21_11C               4859                  632     5.412636            0
## 3 TR4PL21_11D               5300                  670     2.264151            0
## 4 TR4PL21_11E               5251                 1271     3.599314            0
## 5 TR4PL21_11F               2282                  798     3.637160            0
## 6 TR4PL21_11L              20403                 1801     4.170955            0
##   IsPassed cell.type  donor timepoint donor.type primer.mix   batch   plate
## 1     TRUE     cd34+ IF0137  baseline    patient IF0137_mix batch_1 TR4PL21
## 2     TRUE     cd34+ IF0137  baseline    patient IF0137_mix batch_1 TR4PL21
## 3     TRUE     cd34+ IF0137  baseline    patient IF0137_mix batch_1 TR4PL21
## 4     TRUE     cd34+ IF0137  baseline    patient IF0137_mix batch_1 TR4PL21
## 5     TRUE     cd34+ IF0137  baseline    patient IF0137_mix batch_1 TR4PL21
## 6     TRUE     cd34+ IF0137  baseline    patient IF0137_mix batch_1 TR4PL21
##         pool  CD45RA     CD90     CD38 lineage.viability     CD34   CD123
## 1 TR4PL21_Q2 1502.17  2621.87  5156.63          12043.33 29906.12 3428.90
## 2 TR4PL21_Q1 1782.70  1887.77 14743.83          16879.47 21457.04 1700.39
## 3 TR4PL21_Q2  995.36  1545.84  7552.66           4882.79 17353.63 1342.27
## 4 TR4PL21_Q1  748.31 16677.71 11011.12          14496.51 29338.79 3951.90
## 5 TR4PL21_Q2 1348.57  2874.07 19794.60          12866.39 18098.87 2719.89
## 6 TR4PL21_Q2 2213.63  2963.91 37265.15          18894.65 10691.38  649.52
##                                        genotypesall qcgenotype genes.detected
## 1 JAK2_HET_U2AF1_HET_TET2_pI1105_HET_ASXL1_p910_HET       TRUE            839
## 2                 JAK2_HET_U2AF1_HET_ASXL1_p910_HET       TRUE            636
## 3                                JAK2_HET_U2AF1_HET       TRUE            702
## 4                 JAK2_HET_U2AF1_HET_ASXL1_p897_HET       TRUE           1250
## 5 JAK2_HET_U2AF1_HET_TET2_pI1105_HET_ASXL1_p910_HET       TRUE            812
## 6                                JAK2_HOM_U2AF1_HET       TRUE           1830
##   input.reads unique.mapped multimap MReads lib.size unmapped ercc.count
## 1        7566          4235      551    131     2741     2780        134
## 2       17580         10089     1658    445     5561     5833        696
## 3       16977         10024     1497    296     6301     5456        554
## 4       39883          9074     1282    336     5614    29527        354
## 5       30008          4791      658    158     2450    24559        177
## 6       46909         29782     4315   1330    21983    12812        748
##   pc.uniquemapped pc.multimap pc.unmapped pc.ingenes    pc.ercc pc.mit.reads
## 1       0.5597409  0.07282580   0.3674333  0.6472255 0.04888727  0.017314301
## 2       0.5738908  0.09431172   0.3317975  0.5511944 0.12515735  0.025312856
## 3       0.5904459  0.08817812   0.3213760  0.6285914 0.08792255  0.017435354
## 4       0.2275155  0.03214402   0.7403405  0.6186908 0.06305664  0.008424642
## 5       0.1596574  0.02192749   0.8184151  0.5113755 0.07224490  0.005265263
## 6       0.6348888  0.09198661   0.2731246  0.7381304 0.03402629  0.028352768
##   genotype.class rnaseq.qc qc.all
## 1      realclone      TRUE   TRUE
## 2      realclone      TRUE   TRUE
## 3      realclone      TRUE   TRUE
## 4      realclone      TRUE   TRUE
## 5      realclone      TRUE   TRUE
## 6      realclone      TRUE   TRUE

More filtering based on updated cells information

The TARGET-Seq analysis (developed by Rodriguez-Meira et al., Mol. Cell, 2019) provides QC information of cells. Therefore, those cells information will be included for further filtering.

  • Library size > 2000 reads
  • The percentage of mitochondrial reads < 10%
  • The percentage of ERCC reads < 50%
  • The number of detected genes per cell > 500
my.cell_filtered<-subset(my.cell_info, UMI_count > 2000 & percent_mito < 10 & detectedGenesPerCell > 500 & pc.ercc < 50)
## [1] 2679

It is critical to add “IsPassed==TRUE” to the cells that pass QC.

my.cell_info$IsPassed[my.cell_info$Cell %in% my.cell_filtered$Cell]<-TRUE
##   119  2679

Finally, the slot ‘meta.data’ in the MPN object will be updated.


Classification of cells base on genotypes

Next, to reproduce Figure 5a found in Rodriguez-Meira et al., Mol. Cell, 2019, the mutation information is separated into distinct genotyping categories as shown below.








cell_metadata_for_analysis<-subset(cell_metadata,genotype_class1!="NA") #2742 cells considered for this analysis

## [1] 2742

Update cell information


Data normalization

To normalize TARGET-Seq data, the parameter ‘use.scaled.factor’ has to be set up as ‘FALSE’. This is to normalize by the average of library sizes.

normalize_UMIs(MPN,use.scaled.factor = F)
## [1] "Normalization is completed!."

Identify variable genes

get_variable_genes_by_fitting_GLM_model(MPN,mean_expr_cutoff = 1,disp_zscore_cutoff = 0.05,
                                        quantile_genes_expr_for_fitting = 0.5,
                                        quantile_genes_cv2_for_fitting =0.3)
## [1] "Calculate row variance.."
  |                                                                      |   0%
  |=========                                                             |  12%
  |==================                                                    |  25%
  |==========================                                            |  38%
  |===================================                                   |  50%
  |============================================                          |  62%
  |====================================================                  |  75%
  |=============================================================         |  88%
  |======================================================================| 100%[1] "Using :4696 genes for fitting the GLM model!"
## [1] "Identified :3639 variable genes"
remove_unwanted_genes_from_variable_gene_set(MPN,gmt.file = "../SingCellaR_example_datasets/Human_genesets/human.ribosomal-mitocondrial.genes.gmt",
## [1] "6 genes are removed from the variable gene set."

Here, the plot shows highly variable genes (cyan) in the fitted GLM model.

plot_variable_genes(MPN,quantile_genes_expr_for_fitting = 0.5,quantile_genes_cv2_for_fitting =0.3)
## [1] "Calculate row variance.."
  |                                                                      |   0%
  |=========                                                             |  12%
  |==================                                                    |  25%
  |==========================                                            |  38%
  |===================================                                   |  50%
  |============================================                          |  62%
  |====================================================                  |  75%
  |=============================================================         |  88%
  |======================================================================| 100%

## PCA anlysis

runPCA(MPN,use.components=30,use.regressout.data = F)
## [1] "PCA analysis is done!."

Next, the number of PCs used for downstream analyses will be determined from the scree plot.


UMAP analysis

runUMAP(MPN,dim_reduction_method = "pca",n.dims.use = 10,n.neighbors = 20,
        uwot.metric = "euclidean")
## 17:37:33 UMAP embedding parameters a = 1.121 b = 1.057
## 17:37:33 Read 2626 rows and found 10 numeric columns
## 17:37:33 Using Annoy for neighbor search, n_neighbors = 20
## 17:37:33 Building Annoy index with metric = euclidean, n_trees = 50
## 0%   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%
## [----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|
## **************************************************|
## 17:37:33 Writing NN index file to temp file /var/folders/c6/_w309xr54n7cphf9nw4x_ms40000gn/T//Rtmp0EVVqP/filecde23596aaf1
## 17:37:33 Searching Annoy index using 8 threads, search_k = 2000
## 17:37:34 Annoy recall = 100%
## 17:37:34 Commencing smooth kNN distance calibration using 8 threads with target n_neighbors = 20
## 17:37:35 Initializing from normalized Laplacian + noise (using irlba)
## 17:37:35 Commencing optimization for 500 epochs, with 67982 positive edges
## 17:37:38 Optimization finished
## [1] "UMAP analysis is done!."
plot_umap_label_by_a_feature_of_interest(MPN,feature = "donor",point.size = 1)

plot_umap_label_by_a_feature_of_interest(MPN,feature = "donor.type",point.size = 1)

plot_umap_label_by_a_feature_of_interest(MPN,feature = "batch",point.size = 1)

plot_umap_label_by_a_feature_of_interest(MPN,feature = "genotype_class1",point.size = 1)

Regressing out the source of variations and preserving genotypes of interest

UMAP plots show batch and donor effects. Limma will be used to preserve the genotypes of interest and to regress out batch and donor effects.

remove_unwanted_confounders(MPN,residualModelFormulaStr = "~donor+batch",
                            preserved_feature = "~genotype_class1")
  |                                                                      |   0%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
  |====                                                                  |   6%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
  |========                                                              |  12%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
  |============                                                          |  18%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
  |================                                                      |  24%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
  |=====================                                                 |  29%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
  |=========================                                             |  35%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
  |=============================                                         |  41%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
  |=================================                                     |  47%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
  |=====================================                                 |  53%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
  |=========================================                             |  59%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
  |=============================================                         |  65%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
  |=================================================                     |  71%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
  |======================================================                |  76%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
  |==========================================================            |  82%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
  |==============================================================        |  88%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 2000 probe(s)
  |==================================================================    |  94%Coefficients not estimable: (Intercept) donorIF0602
## Warning: Partial NA coefficients for 1514 probe(s)
  |======================================================================| 100%
## [1] "Removing unwanted sources of variation is done!"

PCA anlysis after regressing out donor and batch effects

runPCA(MPN,use.components=30,use.regressout.data = T)
## [1] "PCA analysis is done!."

Next, the number of PCs used for downstream analyses will be determined from the scree plot.


UMAP analysis after regressing out batche and donor effects

runUMAP(MPN,dim_reduction_method = "pca",n.dims.use = 10,n.neighbors = 20,
        uwot.metric = "euclidean")
## 17:38:08 UMAP embedding parameters a = 1.121 b = 1.057
## 17:38:08 Read 2626 rows and found 10 numeric columns
## 17:38:08 Using Annoy for neighbor search, n_neighbors = 20
## 17:38:08 Building Annoy index with metric = euclidean, n_trees = 50
## 0%   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%
## [----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|
## **************************************************|
## 17:38:08 Writing NN index file to temp file /var/folders/c6/_w309xr54n7cphf9nw4x_ms40000gn/T//Rtmp0EVVqP/filecde2cfb06bf
## 17:38:08 Searching Annoy index using 8 threads, search_k = 2000
## 17:38:08 Annoy recall = 100%
## 17:38:09 Commencing smooth kNN distance calibration using 8 threads with target n_neighbors = 20
## 17:38:10 Initializing from normalized Laplacian + noise (using irlba)
## 17:38:10 Commencing optimization for 500 epochs, with 70486 positive edges
## 17:38:13 Optimization finished
## [1] "UMAP analysis is done!."
plot_umap_label_by_a_feature_of_interest(MPN,feature = "donor",point.size = 1)

plot_umap_label_by_a_feature_of_interest(MPN,feature = "donor.type",point.size = 1)

plot_umap_label_by_a_feature_of_interest(MPN,feature = "batch",point.size = 1)

plot_umap_label_by_a_feature_of_interest(MPN,feature = "genotype_class1",point.size = 1)

tSNE analysis after regressing out batche and donor effects

runTSNE(MPN,dim_reduction_method = "pca",n.dims.use = 10)
## [1] "TSNE analysis is done!."
plot_tsne_label_by_a_feature_of_interest(MPN,feature = "genotype_class1",point.size = 1)

Force-directed graph analysis

runFA2_ForceDirectedGraph(MPN,dim_reduction_method = "pca",n.dims.use = 10)
## [1] "Building Annoy index with metric =  euclidean , n_trees =  50"
## 0%   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%
## [----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|
## **************************************************|
## [1] "Searching Annoy index, search_k =  500"
## 0%   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%
## [----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|
## **************************************************|
## [1] "Processing fa2.."
## [1] "Force directed graph analysis is done!."
plot_forceDirectedGraph_label_by_a_feature_of_interest(MPN,feature = "genotype_class1",
                                                       background.color = "black",vertex.size = 1)

Differential gene expression analysis

Below is an example of how to perform differential gene expression analysis between ‘WT_normal’ and ‘WT_patient’.

First, cell names per each group will be extracted from the cell metadata.



Second, differential gene expression analysis will be performed.

DE.genes<-identifyDifferentialGenes(objectA = MPN, objectB = MPN, cellsA = WT_normal.cell_ids, cellsB = WT_patient.cell_ids)
## [1] "Processing Fisher's exact test!"
## [1] "Processing Wilcoxon Rank-sum test!"
## [1] "Combining p-values using the fisher's method!"
##                  Gene       ExpA       ExpB  FoldChange    log2FC ExpFreqA
## GIMAP7         GIMAP7 38.6958440  0.5000682 77.38113053  6.273910      339
## AC123912.4 AC123912.4  0.3018886  4.8313286  0.06248562 -4.000332       39
## DYNLL1         DYNLL1 35.6631112  5.1568363  6.91569576  2.789874      430
## CNOT1           CNOT1  1.5126984  4.3828158  0.34514304 -1.534734      122
## ELMSAN1       ELMSAN1  8.3102311 66.4716260  0.12501922 -2.999778      228
## BTG3             BTG3  1.6659861 17.8049370  0.09356877 -3.417829       67
##            ExpFreqB TotalA TotalB ExpFractionA ExpFractionB fishers.pval
## GIMAP7            8    678    388   0.50000000   0.02061856 1.805764e-72
## AC123912.4      165    678    388   0.05752212   0.42525773 4.721279e-48
## DYNLL1           72    678    388   0.63421829   0.18556701 1.479443e-47
## CNOT1           223    678    388   0.17994100   0.57474227 1.669020e-39
## ELMSAN1         276    678    388   0.33628319   0.71134021 1.174696e-32
## BTG3            158    678    388   0.09882006   0.40721649 1.614010e-31
##            wilcoxon.pval combined.pval adjusted.pval
## GIMAP7      1.510069e-56 8.036717e-126 7.321449e-123
## AC123912.4  3.775491e-50  3.988782e-95  1.816890e-92
## DYNLL1      3.099438e-49  1.011206e-93  3.070695e-91
## CNOT1       2.950290e-38  8.701114e-75  1.981679e-72
## ELMSAN1     1.841131e-38  3.490915e-68  6.360447e-66
## BTG3        3.340895e-35  8.157683e-64  1.238608e-61

Filtering DE genes

sig.genes<-subset(DE.genes,adjusted.pval < 0.05 & (ExpFractionA > 0.25 | ExpFractionB > 0.25) & abs(log2FC) > 2)
sig.genes<-sig.genes[order(abs(sig.genes$log2FC),decreasing = T),]
##                  Gene       ExpA       ExpB  FoldChange    log2FC ExpFreqA
## GIMAP7         GIMAP7 38.6958440  0.5000682 77.38113053  6.273910      339
## CRIP2           CRIP2 31.1294075  1.7242098 18.05430325  4.174271      223
## AC123912.4 AC123912.4  0.3018886  4.8313286  0.06248562 -4.000332       39
## BTG3             BTG3  1.6659861 17.8049370  0.09356877 -3.417829       67
## SKIL             SKIL  0.7104263  7.0709176  0.10047159 -3.315140       40
## SLF2             SLF2 10.8691048  1.2081164  8.99673633  3.169402      219
## PIM1             PIM1  7.5085602  0.9114636  8.23791578  3.042279      237
## ELMSAN1       ELMSAN1  8.3102311 66.4716260  0.12501922 -2.999778      228
## EGR1             EGR1  1.3225500  9.8840059  0.13380708 -2.901774       84
## MGAT4A         MGAT4A  2.3922515 17.2830979  0.13841566 -2.852921       66
## MXD1             MXD1  1.1978888  8.6463778  0.13854227 -2.851602       56
## PCIF1           PCIF1  2.3637255 16.3510228  0.14456133 -2.790246      138
## DYNLL1         DYNLL1 35.6631112  5.1568363  6.91569576  2.789874      430
## S100A11       S100A11  3.9074935  0.5964116  6.55167268  2.711863      209
## HMGA2           HMGA2  2.7493416 17.9785942  0.15292306 -2.709122       95
## ID2               ID2  6.4516358 41.4028446  0.15582591 -2.681993      159
## RALA             RALA 14.8178047  2.4676061  6.00493123  2.586148      262
## DDIT3           DDIT3  3.1722772 18.9953501  0.16700283 -2.582056      100
## SBDS             SBDS  3.3994358 17.6993364  0.19206572 -2.380328      137
## UCP2             UCP2 45.5663838  8.8673749  5.13865538  2.361391      454
## IRF1             IRF1  4.5471141 22.9399835  0.19821784 -2.334841      221
## UNK               UNK  3.0216109 15.0597733  0.20064120 -2.317310       72
## BZW1             BZW1  1.6276372  7.7135384  0.21101045 -2.244614      151
## AC243960.1 AC243960.1 10.2966047  2.1899288  4.70179892  2.233213      215
## RIPK2           RIPK2  2.7190740 12.4159585  0.21899832 -2.191008      116
## MTRNR2L1     MTRNR2L1  0.7515776  3.4255535  0.21940325 -2.188343      234
## TSPAN2         TSPAN2  9.0709179  2.0270495  4.47493646  2.161867      233
## S100A10       S100A10 32.1952894  7.5423327  4.26861166  2.093767      289
## EIF1B           EIF1B  8.0837818 34.1970180  0.23638850 -2.080768      183
## LMNA             LMNA 16.3573412  3.8988413  4.19543653  2.068821      266
## KLF10           KLF10  2.6063906 10.7717852  0.24196459 -2.047132      105
## ATP2C1         ATP2C1  4.2478195 17.3833964  0.24436074 -2.032916      175
## CCDC59         CCDC59  2.5513051 10.4129832  0.24501193 -2.029076       93
## PBXIP1         PBXIP1 17.3560146  4.2832509  4.05206585  2.018658      351
##            ExpFreqB TotalA TotalB ExpFractionA ExpFractionB fishers.pval
## GIMAP7            8    678    388   0.50000000   0.02061856 1.805764e-72
## CRIP2            23    678    388   0.32890855   0.05927835 3.139866e-27
## AC123912.4      165    678    388   0.05752212   0.42525773 4.721279e-48
## BTG3            158    678    388   0.09882006   0.40721649 1.614010e-31
## SKIL            127    678    388   0.05899705   0.32731959 6.545259e-30
## SLF2             30    678    388   0.32300885   0.07731959 3.767417e-22
## PIM1             34    678    388   0.34955752   0.08762887 2.870212e-23
## ELMSAN1         276    678    388   0.33628319   0.71134021 1.174696e-32
## EGR1            127    678    388   0.12389381   0.32731959 5.568782e-15
## MGAT4A          125    678    388   0.09734513   0.32216495 2.923309e-19
## MXD1            122    678    388   0.08259587   0.31443299 1.244670e-21
## PCIF1           177    678    388   0.20353982   0.45618557 1.240317e-17
## DYNLL1           72    678    388   0.63421829   0.18556701 1.479443e-47
## S100A11          23    678    388   0.30825959   0.05927835 3.116649e-24
## HMGA2           140    678    388   0.14011799   0.36082474 2.421682e-16
## ID2             171    678    388   0.23451327   0.44072165 4.325101e-12
## RALA             62    678    388   0.38643068   0.15979381 1.759234e-15
## DDIT3           163    678    388   0.14749263   0.42010309 2.140909e-22
## SBDS            187    678    388   0.20206490   0.48195876 4.834626e-21
## UCP2            138    678    388   0.66961652   0.35567010 3.939581e-23
## IRF1            233    678    388   0.32595870   0.60051546 3.511538e-18
## UNK             126    678    388   0.10619469   0.32474227 5.753405e-18
## BZW1            189    678    388   0.22271386   0.48711340 1.654957e-18
## AC243960.1       66    678    388   0.31710914   0.17010309 1.151412e-07
## RIPK2           149    678    388   0.17109145   0.38402062 2.917204e-14
## MTRNR2L1        207    678    388   0.34513274   0.53350515 2.438283e-09
## TSPAN2           40    678    388   0.34365782   0.10309278 1.452434e-19
## S100A10          76    678    388   0.42625369   0.19587629 7.608299e-15
## EIF1B           200    678    388   0.26991150   0.51546392 1.749259e-15
## LMNA             73    678    388   0.39233038   0.18814433 2.255714e-12
## KLF10           164    678    388   0.15486726   0.42268041 2.209727e-21
## ATP2C1          179    678    388   0.25811209   0.46134021 2.629996e-11
## CCDC59          126    678    388   0.13716814   0.32474227 1.129987e-12
## PBXIP1           76    678    388   0.51769912   0.19587629 6.114736e-26
##            wilcoxon.pval combined.pval adjusted.pval
## GIMAP7      1.510069e-56 8.036717e-126 7.321449e-123
## CRIP2       9.283912e-25  3.421129e-49  2.833317e-47
## AC123912.4  3.775491e-50  3.988782e-95  1.816890e-92
## BTG3        3.340895e-35  8.157683e-64  1.238608e-61
## SKIL        2.805745e-31  2.544328e-58  2.897353e-56
## SLF2        7.582102e-21  2.761058e-40  1.006130e-38
## PIM1        1.837369e-22  5.429403e-43  2.909521e-41
## ELMSAN1     1.841131e-38  3.490915e-68  6.360447e-66
## EGR1        1.013400e-16  3.987043e-29  5.765391e-28
## MGAT4A      2.334114e-21  6.221726e-38  1.889331e-36
## MXD1        2.935026e-23  3.690333e-42  1.528133e-40
## PCIF1       4.966710e-23  5.623444e-38  1.766537e-36
## DYNLL1      3.099438e-49  1.011206e-93  3.070695e-91
## S100A11     2.028899e-21  6.498655e-43  3.289042e-41
## HMGA2       8.642661e-19  1.644019e-32  3.120212e-31
## ID2         2.110502e-15  5.564368e-25  6.336424e-24
## RALA        1.833425e-17  2.371062e-30  3.927342e-29
## DDIT3       8.864047e-27  2.104248e-46  1.369265e-44
## SBDS        8.047391e-25  4.017359e-43  2.287384e-41
## UCP2        2.252274e-32  1.113201e-52  1.126807e-50
## IRF1        6.425663e-27  2.290242e-42  9.935286e-41
## UNK         6.403847e-20  3.127738e-35  7.123423e-34
## BZW1        7.706980e-20  1.096298e-35  2.628229e-34
## AC243960.1  7.863419e-09  3.226690e-14  1.406466e-13
## RIPK2       2.732296e-16  5.420194e-28  7.596610e-27
## MTRNR2L1    5.223100e-16  7.134398e-23  6.430004e-22
## TSPAN2      3.335228e-19  4.210598e-36  1.036717e-34
## S100A10     5.098920e-17  2.755330e-29  4.183510e-28
## EIF1B       4.226978e-20  5.884931e-33  1.140675e-31
## LMNA        1.213598e-13  1.575656e-23  1.577387e-22
## KLF10       1.771890e-23  3.952545e-42  1.565551e-40
## ATP2C1      4.115754e-15  6.330702e-24  6.502770e-23
## CCDC59      2.022849e-14  1.372401e-24  1.488402e-23
## PBXIP1      1.913436e-27  1.410774e-50  1.285215e-48

Violin plots for top DE genes

plot_violin_for_differential_genes(objectA = MPN, objectB = MPN, cellsA = WT_normal.cell_ids, cellsB = WT_patient.cell_ids,
                                   gene_list = rownames(sig.genes)[1:5],take_log2 = T,point.size = 1,point.alpha = 0.5)

Heatmap for differential genes

plot_heatmap_for_differential_genes(objectA = MPN, objectB = MPN, cellsA = WT_normal.cell_ids, cellsB = WT_patient.cell_ids,
                                    gene_list = rownames(sig.genes))

GSEA analysis

First, genes will be pre-ranked.

preranked.genes<-identifyGSEAPrerankedGenes(objectA = MPN, objectB = MPN, 
                           cellsA = WT_normal.cell_ids, cellsB = WT_patient.cell_ids)
## [1] "Processing Fisher's exact test!"
## [1] "Processing Wilcoxon Rank-sum test!"
## [1] "Combining p-values using the fisher's method!"

Second, fGSEA will be performed with the HALLMARK gene sets.

GSEA.results<-Run_fGSEA_analysis(objectA = MPN, objectB = MPN, eps = 0,
                                 cellsA = WT_normal.cell_ids, cellsB = WT_patient.cell_ids,
                                 GSEAPrerankedGenes_info = preranked.genes,
                                 gmt.file = "../SingCellaR_example_datasets/Human_genesets/h.all.v7.1.symbols.gmt",
                                 plotGSEA = T)

## [1] "Processing GSEA!"

Save SingCellaR object for further downstream analyses
